Are you ready for your theory exam? Test yourself!

Do you want extra support from your theory book?
Do you want acces to the biggest exam simulator available?
For only € 9.95 you get access to the practice questions and 50 theory exams!

  • Scan the QR codes in your theory book
  • Designed like the CBR exam
  • Audio support
  • Practice questions and exams
  • Elaborate answer
  • Suitable for people with color blindness and dyslexia
  • Full digital version of the exercise book
  • For car, motorcycle and scooter

The practice and learning software from Lens Media is the most chosen by driving schools. Test yourself with the best software available!

Order license

Because you own the theory book, you get a 50% discount on the online license. Order your license here for €9.95.

De waardering van bij WebwinkelKeur Reviews is 8.6/10 gebaseerd op 347 reviews.